Building and planning

Planning to develop in the Clarence Valley? From heritage listings to rezoning and development applications, we're here to help. Lodge a DA, view our online mapping system, create a planning proposal or apply for rezoning. 

Development application processing times

If you have recently lodged a Development Application (DA) or are about to, please note that Council wishes to process your application as efficiently as possible with our available resources while meeting NSW legislation and regulations.

Council is committed to maintaining open communication with applicants, developers and the community to provide as much certainty as possible about assessment timeframes.

How can you help?

There are some ways that you can help if you are lodging a Development Application. To help us reduce delays we would be grateful if you could:

  • Ensure all required documentation is lodged with your DA and use our Duty Planner service if you have any queries before lodging your DA.
  • Consider using the Accelerated DA process forsimple residential developments that comply with the planning rules and are located on sites that are free of environmental constraints and hazards.
  • If your application seeks to vary Council’s development standards or generates submissions, it will take longer to process
  • Check the progress of your development application on our DA Track It page.
  • Understand that the assessment officer may not be available to take your call at all times and we will aim to return our call within 24 hoursTry to limit phone enquiries to the assessment officers from 8.30-11am.
  • If there is more than one applicant, please have a single representative contact us to reduce multiple enquiries
  • Use the NSW planning portal as the source of all information relating to development applications.
  • If you are lodging a construction certificate (CC) with Council, please read the DA conditions and lodge any required information outlined in the conditions with your CC application.