Heritage Assistance Grants 2024

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This year, Council’s priority is to support the conservation of rural heritage.

Local heritage grants of up to $2,000 are available assist owners and community trustees with maintenance, repair, stablisation, and interpretation of heritage items, and contributory items in Heritage Conservation Areas, in the rural areas of the Clarence Valley.

More details and the application requirements are set out below.

Funding available

In order to share funding as widely as possible, grants will generally be offered up to a maximum of $2,000, on a dollar for dollar basis. A minimum of 50% co-contribution is required from the owner. Only one application may be lodged per property. 

Larger grants or grants at different ratios may be considered for major restoration projects or for non-profit community organisations if funds permit, depending on the number of eligible applications and the budget allowance for the year. 

Opening and closing dates

Applications open on Council’s website on 1 July 2024 and close at midnight on 31 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted.  

2024 Funding Priority

  • Works to heritage items in rural areas 
  • Works to contributory historic properties in Heritage Conservation Areas in rural areas.
  • Urgent works to avert the severe deterioration of a heritage item in any location.

Note - Applications may be lodged for property outside of the priority area but will only be considered if there are remaining funds available after the allocation of grants to the priority area.

Priority Criteria

  • Works to heritage items to address deterioration, stabilisation, stormwater and termite control, e.g., re-roofing, joinery repairs, stormwater management.
  • Conservation, reconstruction and restoration.
  • Fire, service and access essential upgrades for compliance with the Building Code of Australia for ongoing or adaptive reuse of heritage items.

Projects typically funded by local heritage grants.

  • emergency repairs, stabilisation and making buildings watertight pending longer term restoration
  • termite control, site stabilisation, stormwater and subsoil drainage  
  • re-roofing and guttering in authentic materials and profiles
  • protection of archaeological sites including protection of cemetery sites
  • reinstatement of missing elements to original details, such as fences, verandahs, timber windows, decorative features
  • removal of unsympathetic additions and restoration to original details
  • repainting in a traditional heritage colour scheme
  • Building Code Australia upgrades (fire, services, and access) for ongoing and new uses 

What projects cannot be funded by local heritage grants?

  • works which have already been carried out
  • new buildings or new work
  • interior alterations, new kitchens and bathrooms
  • routine maintenance such as lawn mowing or gutter cleaning
  • new commemorative monuments or works
  • the purchase of heritage buildings
  • the relocation of buildings or works to relocate buildings
  • private headstones, unless there is no possibility of descendent support
  • floodlighting of heritage buildings
  • the purchase of equipment
  • moveable railway heritage items
  • projects where adequate funding is available from other sources, or where the applicant has previously not completed other assisted projects or previous grant offers

Applying for funding

As part of your application you need to

  • include ‘before the project’ photographs  
  • include some background research on your heritage item and include historical information and any old photographs, where available, in your application. Heritage datasheets are available for most heritage items at: https://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/search-for-heritage/state-heritage-inventory/
  • obtain a minimum of one quote but preferably two. (It is realised that quotations are often difficult to obtain, and a minimum of one quote will be accepted )
  • include plans and sketches if relevant  

Submitting your application

To apply, you must complete the application form.

The closing date is midnight on 31 July 2024. If you need assistance in completing the form or uploading the information you can speak to Deborah Wray on 02 6643 0271 during office hours on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Processing your project application

Projects will be assessed by Council with regard to the priorities and criteria set out in these guidelines.

A funding offer and standard conditions will be sent to successful applicants by the end of October 2024. Any unsuccessful applicants will also be advised at this time.

Upon acceptance of a grant offer and any necessary approvals, work should commence. It is essential that approved projects are completed and claims for payment lodged by 1 March 2025. 


For further assistance please contact Deborah Wray on 02 6643 0271 during office hours on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.