Sewer and water connections

We provide water and sewer services in most towns and villages across the Clarence Valley.

Water connection

Before applying, call Council on 02 6643 0200 to check if standard fees apply. It's important to check this as some properties require additional Contribution to Capital payments in order to connect.

Currently, we provide reticulated water services via three separate water supply systems to:

Angourie Grafton South Grafton
Ashby Gulmarrad Townsend
Brooms Head Harwood Island Tucabia
Brushgrove Ilarwill Ulmarra
Chatsworth Iluka Waterview Heights
Copmanhurst Junction Hill Woodford Island
Coutts Crossing Lawrence Wooli (Lake Hiawatha)               
Cowper Maclean Wooloweyah
Eatonsville and Seelands             Minnie Water (Lake Minnie Water)               Woombah
Glenreagh Mountain View Yamba


Villages and rural populations outside these areas rely on private water supply systems, rainwater tanks and groundwater extraction for domestic water supply.

To apply 

Before applying, call Council on 02 6643 0200 to check if standard fees apply. It's important to check this as some properties require additional Contribution to Capital payments in order to connect.

Apply for a water connection online or pick up a form from the nearest council office at 2 Prince  St, Grafton, or 50 River St, Maclean. Return the form to council with your payment and any attachments required.

Once approved, council staff will connect your property to town water supply and install a water meter.

 Apply now 

Sewer connection 

Most new sewer connections to new buildings are approved during the development application process. For sewer connections to an existing building, call 02 6643 0200 for advice.

Currently, we provide sewerage services to:

Angourie Junction Hill Townsend
Coutts Crossing          Maclean Wooloweyah              
Grafton South Grafton                 Yamba
Ilarwill Lawrence Clarenza


Villages and rural populations outside of these areas rely on on-site systems for effluent management. Council requires environmentally sustainable management of on-site systems through its Onsite Wastewater Management Strategy.

To apply

Apply for a sewer connection online or pick up a form from the nearest council office at 2 Prince  St, Grafton, or 50 River St, Maclean. Return the form to council with your payment and any attachments required.

Apply now

Pressure Sewer Manual(PDF, 603KB)


Development Service Plans 

Water supply services (PDF, 6MB)

Sewerage services (PDF, 7MB)

West Yamba water supply services (PDF, 1MB)

West Yamba sewerage services (PDF, 1MB)