On-site Sewage Management (OSM)

The Clarence Valley Council LGA covers approximately 10,500 square kilometres and contains approximately 9,500 onsite wastewater management systems. This area is one of the largest regional LGAs in NSW and includes un-sewered villages and rural settlements from the hinterland to the coast.

Council regulates the installation and operation of On-site Sewage and Wastewater Management Systems (OSM). If your home is not connected to the sewer, you must have an approved on-site sewage management system, such as a septic tank, composting toilet or aerated wastewater treatment system. There are special regulations that apply to the installation and on-going operation of OSM’s.

As the owner of the property, it is your responsibility to ensure that your OSM is approved by council and that it is working properly. OSM can be a risk to the health of your family and other community members if they are not properly maintained. They can also cause harm to the environment.

OSM Application & Approval Process

Local Councils are the authority responsible for approval and regulation of OSM. The prior approval of Council is required before an owner can operate an OSM. Where it is proposed to build a new dwelling, replace an existing dwelling with a new dwelling, increase the load on an existing OSM system or increase the density of the property (i.e. addition of habitable rooms, duplexes, dual occupancy etc.); or if your existing OSM system is failing, then Council will require the upgrading of the on-site wastewater system in accordance with Council’s On-site Wastewater Management Strategy 

Council requires submission of an application for the approval to upgrade or install an On-Site Sewage Management system together with the adopted fee.  This application is then assessed with regard to Council’s OSM Strategy, current legislation, standards and guidelines. If the application assessed to the satisfaction of Council, then an Approval to Install On-Site Sewage Management system will be issued and you may then commence installation or construction of the OSM system.

Once the OSM system has been installed or upgraded in accordance with the ‘Approval to Install On-Site Sewage Management system’ and Council has undertaken the mandatory inspections, an Approval to Operate On-Site Sewage Management system will be issued by Council.


Follow these step-by-step instructions to lodging your application

Change to Property Owner

In Clarence Valley Council, the owner of the land that is serviced by an On-site Sewage Management system (OSM), must hold an Approval to Operate an On-Site Sewage Management system, issued by Council. Approvals to operate an OSM system are not transferable from owner to owner as part of the conveyancing process and therefore as the new owner you will be required to hold an approval to operate your OSM system

All land acquisitions of properties serviced by On-site Sewage Management systems are notified to Council by NSW Government Land and Property Information Services.

Once notified, Council’s Technical Officer (On-site Sewage Management), will undertake a site inspection within a (3) month period. This inspection will enable us to confirm the system type and performance to ensure that an Approval to Operate can be issued.

Please note that there is no application form or fee payment with the issuing of your approval to operate. Council’s OSM Staff will complete the process on your behalf acknowledging your payment of the annual on-site sewage management charge included as part of your annual rates notice. This charge assists us to carry out general inspections, technical assistance, public and environmental management, and community education relating to on-site sewage management systems across the Clarence Valley Council area.

Compliance Inspections

Council undertakes an inspection program for all on-site wastewater systems within the Clarence Valley Council LGA in accordance with the CVC OSM Strategy and relevant regulations, standards and guidelines.

All high-risk On-site Sewerage Management areas are inspected annually and all other properties are targeted for inspection based on; development pressure, environment and public health compliance reporting, and historical data.

Following every inspection the OSM system will be given a pass/fail result by the Technical Officer.

Passed Inspection: An Approval to Operate will be issued for that OSM system which will remain valid until change of owner of that property or further inspections, or compliance action is taken.

Failed Inspection: An Improvement Notice will be issued outlining the required action and timeframe to upgrade the failing OSM system.

Please note that there is no application form or fee payment for programmed inspections or the issuing of your approval to operate. Council’s OSM Staff will complete the process on your behalf acknowledging your payment of the annual on-site sewage management charge included as part of your annual rates notice. This charge assists us to carry out general inspections, technical assistance, public and environmental management, and community education relating to on-site sewage management systems across the Clarence Valley Council area. 

Managing your On-Site Wastewater Management System during and after a flood event

Recommendations for managing your On-Site Wastewater Management System during and after a flood event:

Understanding Your System:

  • Septic Tanks: Primary treatment, effluent to drain field.
  • AWTSs: Secondary treatment, higher quality effluent, irrigation system.
  • Health Hazard: All effluent carries risks. Ensure you practice good hygiene.
  • Know Your System: Find your manuals and know where everything is located.


During Heavy Rain:

  • Reduce water usage (Short showers, less laundry)
  • Watch for surcharge gully overflows (treat with "Builders Lime" for example).


During Flooding:

  • TURN OFF POWER to your system at the fuse box
  • Limit use of system


After a Flood (Septic Tanks):

  • Only use for emergencies
  • Get it professionally pumped out as soon as possible
  • Inspect for damage of tank and disposal field (sinkholes, settling)
  • Don't drive heavy machinery over or near disposal area
  • Let the disposal area dry completely prior to excessive use
  • Check for blockages


After a Flood (AWTS):

  • Contact an authorised service agent
  • Have an electrician check the electrical control box
  • It may need a full clean and recommission
  • Check and replace irrigation parts
  • Add new chlorine tablets to chlorinator
  • Avoid contact with effluent, which may accumulate in and around the system


General Advice:

  • Regular maintenance is key. AWTS's requires servicing every 3 months by an authorised service agent (engaged by the homeowner)
  • Follow council's operating guidelines
  • Be aware of open tanks and sink holes after a flood


For further information:

NSW Health - Flooding and On-site Wastewater Systems

NSW Health - Floods and On-site Wastewater Management Systems - Advisory Note 8

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some on-site wastewater management systems have to be serviced by an authorised service agent and also be inspected by council?

Some systems such as Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS) require specialised servicing to work properly. NSW law requires that those systems must receive regular maintenance. The service requirements are set out in the certificate of accreditation issued by NSW Health.

Authorised Service Agents attend to the mechanical functions of the treatment and disposal system, and ensure components are properly maintained and serviced. Without proper servicing, most system components breakdown resulting in system failure and expensive rectification work.

Council inspections on the other hand are done to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.


I am considering purchasing a property with an on-site wastewater management system. Does council do pre-purchase reports for on-site sewage?

Clarence Valley Council does not offer a pre-purchase inspection of on-site wastewater management systems. We recommend customers that are wanting a pre-purchase inspection to enlist the services of a licensed plumber or wastewater consultant for such inspections, as they possess the essential equipment and expertise required for this type of work.


Will I get fined if my on-site wastewater management system is found to be performing poorly?

It is important your sewage system is safe and does not cause environmental health risks such as disease and water pollution. If you have been advised by Council that your on-site wastewater management system needs repair or replacement due to the system functioning inadequately or failing, you must attend to these works in the time frame provided. If you refuse to do the works requested, legal action may be pursued. 


Need more Information?

Council has developed an OSM Strategy (On-site Wastewater Management Strategy). The Strategy provides essential guidance for owners, applicants, installers, consultants, and developers on all aspects of on-site wastewater management. We also have a number of technical documents available. Please see ‘related information’ below.

You can also contact our Technical Officers (On-site Wastewater) on 02 6643 0200.