Q. Are there any additional fees applicable to the Accelerated DA process?
A. No, there are no additional costs for the service.
Q. How are the 20 days calculated?
A. The 20 days are calendar days. DA days for an application starts when you have been notified by the Planning Portal that the DA has been accepted for assessment and lodged into Council’s system, and not from when you upload the DA and supporting documents on to the Planning Portal. Lodgement of the DA occurs after you pay the applicable application fees.
Q. Am I guaranteed approval within 20 days?
A. The target timeframe of 20 days to assess an Accelerated DA is not a statutory timeframe, however Council staff will endeavour to determine DAs within the target timeframes for this free service. If there are any minor delays, you will be notified of the reason, e.g., the site is remote and more time is needed to undertake a site inspection.
Q. What if my development doesn’t meet the Accelerated DA criteria?
A. If your development does not qualify for the Accelerated DA process, your DA will be assessed as a normal DA. You can view our DA timeframes at How we’re performing, with simple DAs having a median assessment time between 35-55 days. More complicated DAs take longer to determine.
Q. What happens if my DA is taken out of the Accelerated DA process?
A. There are a number of reasons why a DA may not be able to be assessed as an Accelerated DA, even if all the criteria on the checklist are met (see above details under disclaimer). If more time is needed to assess the DA, you will be notified that your application will be taken out of the Accelerated DA process and assessed as a normal DA.
Q. I have more questions, who can I talk to?
A. If you have more questions about the Accelerated DA process, you can contact Sarah Sozou (Council’s Development Planner) or Council’s Duty Building Surveyor on 6643 0200 between 8.30am – 11am Monday to Friday.