Advertised DAs

The following DAs are currently on public exhibition:

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Comment on a Development Application (DA) 

Anyone can comment on a DA during the exhibition period, particularly if you feel that you, your property or your locality may be affected by a proposed development. Public submissions will not be accepted once the exhibition period has closed.

Make a submission


We'll accept written petitions only for items we have responsibility or control over, from people that have a direct interest in the Clarence Valley Local Government Area such as residents, landowners, and business owners. Petitions must be submitted on paper and include: the subject of the petition; ID of the principal petitioner; name, address, phone number or email address, and signatures in the original writing of each petitioner.

Where a petition is provided in response to a planning proposal or development application on public exhibition, any submission made (including personal information) may be made publicly available and may be included in the council's business paper and on our website.

Petitions that are vexatious, abusive, propose unlawful action, or are otherwise inappropriate will not be considered.

Printable petition form(PDF, 198KB)