Register of Clause 4.6 Variations


Development standards may be contained in State Environmental Planning Policies or Local Environmental Plans. Development standards exist to provide a framework of limitations for anticipated development in an area.

We are required to keep a register of instances in which development applications have been determined that resulted in a variation to a development standard. The variation of a development standard may occur via an assessment of an application, under Clause 4.6 of the Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan 2011 (CVLEP).

Monitoring of variations to development standards is important in that it enables the Department of Planning and CVC to determine whether development standards are appropriate, or whether changes are required to the development standards. The consideration of variations enables flexibility to achieve better outcomes for and from development.

Variations are only considered in circumstances where strict compliance would be unreasonable or unnecessary and there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard.

Where an application proposes a variation to a standard, the application must be supported by a document meeting the requirements of Clause 4.6 of the CVLEP. A standard document Application form to vary a development standard (PDF, 83KB)is available from our web site, to assist applicants to address the matters for consideration. This form should be completed and submitted with the development application.

The Register of all variation requests lodged after 1 November 2023 are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

The Register of variation requests lodged prior to 1 November 2023 are below:


*The Register is referred to by the Department of Planning as a SEPP 1 Report. However, the report is also required to contain any variations approved under Clause 4.6 of the CVLEP. The anomaly with the naming is a result of the transition of Council's within the State of NSW to the 'Standard LEP'. The standard LEP introduces a number of development standards into local planning instruments. Clarence Valley Council adopted a new LEP, consistent with the 'standard LEP' template on the 23 December 2011.