A Development Application (or DA) is a formal application for development that requires consent under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), given it does not meet the prescriptive requirements for the smaller scale development types, such as Exempt Development and Complying Development.
A development is considered ‘local development’ if a local environmental plan (LEP) or State environmental planning policy (SEPP) states that development consent is required before the development can take place. The majority of developments will be categorised as Local Development.
The procedures for applying for development consent, the level of environmental assessment required, the notification required, and appeal rights will differ depending on how a development is categorised. These categories include integrated development, designated development and advertised development.
The development needs to be a permissible use on the land to be able to apply for a DA. You will need to check the land use tables under the Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan 2011 (CVLEP) or provisions of relevant SEPPs to confirm if the use is permissible. If the development is listed as a prohibited use in the zone, you cannot seek development consent for the use.
The CVLEP may contain other planning standards applicable to the development, such as maximum building height and minimum lot sizes. Please also refer to Council's Development Control Plans, which provide detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning standards - Our LEP and DCP's.
Where building or subdivision works are proposed as part of your DA, you also need to obtain a separate building or subdivision approval by obtaining a Construction Certificate or Subdivision Works Certificate.
Some types of residential development may qualify for Council’s new Accelerated Development Application process – see more information here.