Lodge a Complying Development Certificate

Complying Development Certificate

Step 1.Confirm your development meets all the criteria for Complying Development 

You will need to identify all constraints applying to the land and ensure the proposed development meets all the applicable Complying Development requirements. See information for Complying development under Do I need development approval?

Step 2.Prepare your application

Please refer to the NSW Government's Guide to Complying Development

You will need to decide if you want Council or a registered private certifier to determine the application. If you are using a private certifier, consult with them early in the process. 

Step 3.Get your documents ready 

The submission requirements for a Complying Development Application will be dependent on what Code the development 'fits into' and on the characteristics of the property e.g. is it affected by bushfire, flooding?  A document demonstrating how the proposal meets all of the complying development criteria in the legislation will need to be lodged with the application.

Step 4.Register for an account with the NSW Planning Portal 

You will need to register for an account with the NSW Planning Portal to access and submit a Complying Development Certificate Application.

Step 5.Log in and submit your application 

Register for an account then log in and submit your application.

To understand how to use the NSW Planning Portal refer to the NSW Planning Portal's Quick Reference Guides.

For technical issues with using the NSW Planning Portal contact Service NSW’s Support Service.

Go to the NSW Planning Portal

Step 6.Your application is reviewed

Your application will be reviewed and a preliminary assessment will be made to make sure it meets the requirements for lodgement and all the relevant information has been included.

If your application is assessed as incomplete Council will return it. 

For Example;
Information submitted is insufficient or an additional information request is not responded to within the timeframe given.

Step 7.If accepted, you pay the fees 

Once your application has been assessed as suitable for lodgement you will be required to pay the associated fees.

Visit Council's Fees and Charges or generate a quote using our DA Fee Estimator for more information about the fees you will need to pay.

The application is not taken to be lodged until all required information has been supplied and required fees have been paid. 

Step 8.Your application is reviewed or assessed 

If you nominated Council as the certifier, your application will then be assigned to an assessment officer for an assessment in as little as 20 days of your application being lodged.

Step 9.Determination of the application

If your application is approved by Council, you will receive a Complying Development Certificate subject to mandatory conditions. A Complying Development Certificate is a legal document, and the development must be constructed and operated according to the requirements of the conditions.

If you nominated a registered private certifier to issue the CDC, the approval documents are lodged with Council for its records.

Step 10.Next steps 

The Certifying Authority will issue you with an Occupation Certificate once all construction works are complete and satisfactory progress and final inspections have taken place.

Step 11.Lodgement support 

If you need assistance using the online portal service, please view the Department of Planning, Industry and environment's How to Guide or contact Service NSW on 1300 305 698 for additional support.

You can also contact Council's Customer Service Officer (Planning) on 02 6643 0200 for assistance lodging your application on the Portal.