Lodge a Construction Certificate

Once you have lodged your development application and received consent from Council for your development, there are further steps you must take before you can start building works.

You will need to apply for a construction certificate and appoint a principal certifier.

Works cannot commence until such time a construction certificate has been issued by the principal Certifier.


Prior to Construction Commencing

Step 1.Appoint a Principal Certifier

Principal certifiers are building surveyors registered with NSW Fair Trading. They are responsible for ensuring that all work is undertaken in accordance with:

  • the approved development consent
  • the plans and specifications approved under the construction certificate, and
  • relevant building regulations.

They can issue construction certificates, complying development certificates, occupation certificates and undertake critical stage inspections.

You can use Clarence Valley Council or a Private Certifier who has the proper registration and appropriate professional indemnity insurance.

Council's registered certifiers can issue a construction certificate, carry out the mandatory progress inspections during construction and issue an occupation certificate after the final inspection has been completed.

Step 2.Apply for a Construction Certificate (CC)

You may apply for a construction certificate at the same time as submitting your development application. However, the application will not be processed until development consent has been issued and any relevant conditions of consent have been resolved. If you are required to make changes to your proposed development in order to obtain consent, you may need to submit additional information to reflect those changes. 

Depending on the type of works or use, there will be certain documentation that you will be required to lodge with your application.

As a minimum, the documents you will need to submit at lodgement are:

  • Architectural Plans
  • Specifications
  • For new dwellings and additions, details of the proposed wet area waterproofing method
  • Principal Certifier Standard Contract(PDF, 435KB)
  • Engineering Plans (where applicable) including a design statement to verify the design complies with the NCC and relevant Australian Standards 
  • Geotechnical report (where applicable)
  • Home Builders Compensation Fund Insurance/Owner Builder Permit (where applicable)
  • Basix Certificate (where applicable) Note: Basix commitments are to be indicated on the plans
  • Details of bushfire protection measures (where applicable) see the Building in Bushfire Prone Areas page on Council's website
  • Section J Report (Energy Efficiency) for Commercial/Industrial/Public Buildings (where applicable)
  • Payment of any Developer Contributions levied on the DA ( where applicable)
  • Information requested as a condition of the Development Consent (where applicable)
  • Description of accredited building products/system or performance requirements ( where applicable)
  • Apply for a Section 68 Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage Application (where applicable)

Construction Certificate Applications can only be submitted to Council online via the NSW Planning Portal.

If you lodged your Development Application via the Portal you can login to the NSW Planning Portal, otherwise you will need to create an account.

To understand how to use the NSW Planning Portal refer to the NSW Planning Portal's Quick Reference Guides.

For technical issues with using the NSW Planning Portal contact Service NSW's Support Service.

Step 3.Apply for a Principal Certifier (PC) Appointment

When lodging your Construction Certificate Application you are also required to lodge a PC Appointment Application on the NSW Planning Portal

This application is a State Government requirement to show that you are selecting Clarence Valley Council to be your Principal Certifier.

Step 4.Lodged for Review

Once the application is submitted through the Portal, an initial review and preliminary assessment will be carried out to check the information provided is sufficient for Council to accept. 

Where it is identified that further information is required, an officer will contact the applicant to request the further information or clarification. Once adequate information is provided, the application can be processed and a tax invoice can be issued.

Note: Assessment of your application will not commence until the relevant fees have been received by Council.

Step 5.Assessment of the Application

Once fees have been paid, the application will be accepted and assessed.

Officers will contact the applicant if further clarification is needed.

Step 6.Check if other Applications are Necessary

You may need to lodge other applications such as:

  • A Section 68 Application for Plumbing and Drainage Works
  • A Driveway Application

These applications are lodged separately on the NSW Planning Portal.

Construction Certificate has been Approved and Issued 

Once Council has issued you with your Construction Certificate you will be able to commence works. 

You will be able to book the mandatory inspections listed on your Construction Certificate on Councils Book a Building Inspection page.

Step 7.Apply for an Occupation Certificate (OC)

Before Council can issue you with a Final Occupation Certificate you will need to apply for an Occupation Certificate Application on the NSW Planning Portal.

You can apply for an Occupation Certificate at the same time that you lodge your Construction Certificate or you can lodge it at a later date prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate

When issuing an OC, the Principal Certifier must be satisfied the development meets various regulatory standards. These generally include that:

  • A development consent is in force.
  • The design and construction of the building is not inconsistent with the development consent.
  • Any pre-conditions set out in the consent or requirements of planning agreements have been satisfied.
  • A Construction Certificate (CC) has been issued.
  • That the building is suitable for occupation (in accordance with its Building Code of Australia (BCA) classification).

Issuing the OC for the whole of the development is the last step in the formal Development Application (DA) and construction process (though there could be ongoing ‘operational’ conditions such as maintaining appropriate noise levels or landscape maintenance).

Note: When all building work associated with the development has been completed, you'll need to arrange a final inspection before the building can be used or occupied. Once the work has been inspected and passed, an Occupation Certificate will be issued. It is an offence to occupy a building without first obtaining an Occupation Certificate.

Lodgement Support

If you need assistance using the online portal service, please view the Department of Planning, Industry and environment's How to Guide or contact Service NSW on 1300 305 698 for additional support.

You can also contact Council's Customer Service Officer (Planning) on 02 6643 0200 for assistance lodging your application on the Portal.

Step 8.NSW Planning Portal Fees

In accordance with the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, applicants are required to pay a digital application processing fee for certain planning applications and certificates.

A full list of fees can be found on the NSW Planning Portal Service Fees page.