- OSM application
- A site plan drawn to scale showing dimensions from boundaries, dwellings and structures must be provided showing the sewage management facility, effluent application areas and any environmentally sensitive area (A4 or A3 plan)
- Waste Water Report
As of 1 July 2024 all OSM applications (Section 68 - On-site Wastewater Management) can only be submitted to Council online via the NSW Planning Portal.
You will need to register for an account with the NSW Planning Portal to access and submit the OSM application.
Your application will be reviewed and a preliminary assessment will be made to make sure it meets the requirements for lodgement and all the relevant information has been included.
If your application is assessed as incomplete, Council will return it.
For Example: Information submitted is insufficient or an additional information request is not responded to within the timeframe given.
Once the relevant fees have been paid, your application will then be assigned to a Technical Officer (On-site Wastewater) for a detailed assessment. The assessing officer may require you to submit further documents to support your OSM application.
If additional information is requested it must be provided by the applicant via the NSW Planning Portal in a timely manner.
The application is not taken to be lodged until all required information has been supplied and required fees have been paid.
If your application is approved by Council you will receive an 'Approval to Install' and you may begin installation or construction of the OSM system.
If you need assistance using the online portal service, please view the Department of Planning, Industry and environment's How to Guide or contact Service NSW on 1300 305 698 for additional support.
You can also contact Council's Development Information Officer on 02 6643 0200 for assistance lodging your application on the Portal.