Contributions plans

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Section 7.11 and 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993 enables Councils in New South Wales to levy contributions on a development where that development generates an increased demand on Council's services and facilities. 

This is intended to ensure that the existing ratepayers are not required to meet the whole cost of providing new infrastructure in the Local Government Area. 

Contributions including monetary payments, works in kind or works as part of a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), are made to Council to upgrade infrastructure and facilities to cater for demand generated by development. Larger scale developments may also need to dedicate land to Council for open space and/or other facilities.

Contributions and Development Servicing Plans are for the embellishment of public open space, community facilities, carparking for commercial developments, water supply, sewerage headworks and roads impacted by heavy vehicles.

The Contributions Plans listed below that pre-date the Clarence Valley Council Contributions Plan 2011, were adopted by Councils that were amalgamated to form the Clarence Valley Council in 2004. Not all the provisions within these earlier plans remain in force and each should be read in conjunction with the Clarence Valley Council Contributions Plan 2011 as it lists the parts of each plan that were revoked.

Please note that reforms are currently proposed by State Government and future changes may occur:

The following practice note should also be read:

Section 7.11 contribution rates for the current Financial Year can be found along with Council’s other current fees and charges

Clarence Valley Contributions Plan 2011

Clarence Valley Council James Creek Roads Contributions Plan

Grafton City Council s94 Contributions Plan 1993

S94 Extractive & Other Heavy Transport Dependent Industries 2001

S94 Access - Roads & Bridges (Amended 1992)

Ulmarra Shire Council s94 Contributions Plan 1993

Ulmarra Shire Council s94 Extractive Industries 1995

Maclean Shire Council s94 Rural Road Upgrading Crisp Drive Ashby 1994

Maclean Shire Council s94 Street Trees in Urban Subdivisions

Maclean Shire Council s94 Rural Roads 1994

Maclean Shire Council Maintenance of Quarry Roads 1994

Maclean Shire Council Rural Road Upgrading Patemans and Harvey Roads Ashby

Maclean Shire Council Gulmarrad Stormwater Management 1997

Maclean Shire Council Yamba Urban Bypass and Urban Intersections 2000

Maclean Shire Council Yamba Drainage Catchments 1997