Our LEP and DCPs
Local Environmental Plan
The Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 is the primary planning tool for the Clarence Valley and is based on the requirements of the Standard Instrument - Principal Local Environmental Plan (2006 EPI 155a). The LEP 2011 includes a number of mapping layers which need to be read in conjunction with the written instrument.
It contains land-use zones, development standards such as height and minimum lots sizes, and other matters to consider when assessing development.
Development control plans
Our development control plans (DCPs) provide detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls in the LEP.
Amendments to the DCPs with updated Flood Planning Levels came into effect on 1 January 2025. Development applications lodged on the planning portal after this date will be assessed against these controls.
The following DCPs apply in the Clarence Valley Council Local Government Area:
Business zones
The Clarence Valley Council DCP - Development in Business Zones aims to promote quality development in commercial areas and provide opportunities for development that improve the streetscape and respect the character of a locality. This DCP applies to land within the following business zones:
- B1 Neighbourhood Centre
- B2 Local Centre
- B3 Commercial Care
- B5 Business Development
Download the Business zones DCP(PDF, 4MB)
Industrial zones
The Clarence Valley Council DCP - Development in Industrial Zones aims to encourage development in industrial zones that is functional, has street appeal and has minimal impact on surrounding non-industrial uses and the environment. This DCP applies to all land in the following industrial zones in the Clarence Valley LGA:
- IN1 General Industry
- IN4 Working Waterfront
Download the Industrial zones DCP(PDF, 3MB)
Residential zones
The Clarence Valley Council DCP - Development in Residential Zones aims to encourage well designed, high quality development within residential zones in the Clarence Valley. This DCP applies to land within the following residential zones:
- R1 General Residential
- R2 Low Density Residential
- R3 Medium Density Residential
- R5 Large Lot Residential
Download the Residential zones DCP(PDF, 10MB)
Rural zones
The Clarence Valley Council DCP - Development in Rural Zones aims to encourage development of land in rural zones that complements the rural character of a locality and is at an appropriate scale and form to minimise land use conflicts.This DCP applies to land within the following rural zones:
- RU1 Primary Production
- RU2 Rural Landscape
- RU3 Forestry
Download the Rural zones DCP (PDF, 4MB)
Environmental protection, recreation and special use zones
The Clarence Valley Council DCP - Development in Environmental Protection, Recreation and Special Use Zones aims to encourage development that complements the character of a locality and that is at an appropriate scale and form to minimise impacts on the environment and to minimise land use conflicts.
This DCP applies to land within the following zones:
- E1 National Parks and Native Reserves
- E2 Environmental Conservation
- E3 Environmental Management
- RE1 Public Recreation
- RE2 Private Recreation
- SP1 Special Activities
- SP2 Infrastructure
- SP3 Tourist
- W1 Natural Waterways
- W2 Recreational Waterways
- W3 Working Waterways
Download the environmental protection, recreation and special use zones DCP(PDF, 6MB)
Sustainable Water Requirements
Changes made to the Sustainable Water Controls sections of the DCPs and the Information for Applicants document are to align with the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manual minimum water quality standards.
Download the Sustainable Water Requirements(PDF, 2MB)
DCP Appendices - Flood Planning Area Maps
Superseded DCPs - Flood Planning Levels in force prior to 1 January 2025