In line with current weather warnings, there will be impacts to Council services from Thursday 6 March 2025.
Speak to a strategic planning officer about your planning proposal before lodging on the NSW Planning Portal.
A pre-lodgement meeting can help you to understand the process particularly if your property has not been identified in an existing Council or State Government Strategy for the amendment you propose.
Contact 02 6643 0200
Planning proposals require planning expertise. We recommend using an external town planning consultant to help you prepare your planning proposal. Other specialist consultants may also be needed to provide technical input to the proposal.
Council officers will prepare a report to Council on the merits of the proposal. Council does not have to support all planning proposal applications.
A Council resolution to proceed with a planning proposal does not guarantee that the amendment will be made. If Council agrees to proceed with the planning proposal, it will be forwarded with or without changes to the Minister for Planning for a ‘gateway determination’.
NSW Planning Portal
Go to the NSW Planning Portal and complete the online application for a Planning Proposal.
A checklist of documents required to submit a planning proposal can be found in the NSW Department Planning Industry and Environment's Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals. These documents must be uploaded to the Planning Portal with your application.
An officer will review the Planning Proposal to ensure it has sufficient information for Council to accept. If more information is required, the officer will contact the applicant.
An invoice for the cost of the review will be forwarded to the payee as nominated by the applicant for payment.
When the planning proposal has been reviewed and considered acceptable to progress to the assessment stage, and invoice will be forwarded to the payee.
Assessment of your application will start when Council receives and payment of the fees.