Clarence Valley Destination Management Plan 2024 - 2030

The 2024-2030 Clarence Valley Destination Management Plan builds upon the successes and lessons learned from the 2016 Clarence Valley Tourism Industry Development and Marketing Strategy. Over the past eight years, the strategic efforts have significantly strengthened the region's tourism sector, enhancing its reputation as a premier destination in New South Wales. This plan outlines the future direction for sustainable tourism development, aiming to further elevate Clarence Valley's standing while preserving its unique natural and cultural assets.


Purpose of the DMP

Tourism is a $181.4 million industry in the Clarence Valley.  The purpose of the Clarence Valley Destination Management Plan (CV DMP) is to provide a common vision, strategic directions, and practical steps to sustainably develop and manage the Clarence Valley Visitor Economy between 2024 and 2030.

The DMP will ensure Clarence Valley Council continues it's work to maximise the benefits of tourism for the region while preserving and enhancing its natural and cultural assets for local communities and businesses today and into the future.

The CV DMP aligns with the Destination North Coast DMP, NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 (NSW VES), as well as with the aspirations of our community. The plan will support sustainable growth of the visitor economy in a constantly changing and competitive market.

Visitor Economy Explained

The term "visitor economy" referenced throughout the CV DMP refers to the modern definition of “tourism”. It includes people travelling not only for leisure but also for events, business, work, education, or visiting friends and relatives. The visitor economy incorporates industries that directly cater to visitors, such as accommodation, tours, and attractions, as well as indirectly, such as retail, medical, and food production.



To see the 2024 - 2025 Destination Management Action Plan click here 

Strategic Context

The CV DMP has been strategically developed in alignment with regional, state, and national frameworks to effectively contribute to and benefit from the broader vision for the visitor economy.

National Austrade – Thrive 2030: The Re-imagined Visitor Economy

State Destination NSW – Visitor Economy Strategy 2030

Regional Destination North Coast - Destination Management Plan 2030

Local Clarence Valley Destination Management Plan 2024-2030

Other local plans and strategies consulted in the development of the CV DMP include:

  • The Clarence 2032 Strategic Plan
  • Clarence Valley Regional Economic Development Strategy
  • Clarence Valley Employment Land Strategy 2022
  • Clarence Valley Riverway Masterplan II
  • Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Five Guiding Principles inform the NSW Government’s policy and investment in the visitor economy.

1. Put the Visitor First

  • We have put the visitor front and centre of this strategy. A greater understanding of potential visitors by segment will deliver high performance marketing solutions and improve the visitor experience.

2. Accelerate Digital Innovation 

  • We will use technology to deliver personalised marketing to potential visitors, streamlined interactions between government and industry, and to enhance the visitor experience.

3. Lead with our Strengths 

  • We will focus on the distinctive character and features of NSW and our people to help us stand out in a crowded market.

4. Move Fast, Be Responsive and Agile 

  • We will build agility into the way we operate so we can take advantage of opportunities as they emerge and adapt to changing conditions.

5. Collaborate with Industry and Government 

  • We will foster greater engagement and cooperation with the industry to deliver the vision and take a whole of-government approach to growing the NSW visitor economy.

Source: NSW Government Five Guiding Principles for visitor economy policy and investment