Disclosure log of access applications

The object of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) is to maintain and advance a system of responsible and representative democratic Government that is open, accountable, fair and effective. Accordingly, the mandatory release of open access information under the GIPA Act assists in promoting a responsible and representative government by enshrining the public’s right of access to important government information.

The disclosure log makes information that has already been publicly released in response to an access application available to other members of the public, if the agency considers the information to be of wider public interest. An agency’s disclosure log therefore facilitates open access to government information of public significance and relevance to the community.

The following information has been requested via the Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA) 2009, and may be of interest to other members of the public. All information can be accessed on request via email to council@clarence.nsw.gov.au. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need a copy of the files or if you need further information. 

Access applications 2024 - 2025

Access applications 2018 - 2024

Date information released Description of information and information withheld on the basis of OPIAD (overriding public interest against disclosure)
13/06/2024 Information surrounding the tender process and the awarded contract for the construction of the Grafton Aquatic Centre. Specifically, I am interested in obtaining information regarding: The tender evaluation process, including the criteria used for selection. Details of the winning bidder, including their proposal and financial terms. Any relevant correspondence, reports, or minutes related to the decision-making process.Some information withheld on the basis of 14 of GIPA, namely (4)Business interests of agencies and other persons.
24/05/2024 Information regarding the walking platform at the end of the old Grafton bridge towards greaves street, where the ramp goes down to a concrete footpath. If any person claimed liability from council for tripping on the concrete path below the ramp.Some information withheld on the basis of 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
25/06/2024 Copy of the development approval that includes and is not limited to the conditions of consent that includes the limitations on noise pollution both that can be heard and felt (Ground Noise / Vibration levels) legally allowable both day and night from these industrial and development businesses that are operating in my opinion outside of the legal hours of operation. “Council’s Enforcement Policy”,copy of the documents which are legally required to be sent to all residents in the immediate area that could and would be affected by these noise pollution issues,any documentation and findings concerning the legal hours of “All Operation” including the open to the public hours as well as the hours of illegal operation for production and processing of these said businesses in the Junction Hill Area. Please also issue “All Impacts On Surrounding Areas Reports for the Junction Hill Area since 2020 till Wednesday 24th Of April 2024. This is related to10/ 1098188 and 21/242339.Some information withheld on the basis of 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4)(b) and (d) Business interests of agencies or other person.
19/04/2024 Information regarding the decision making process and considerations regarding the funding and project scope alterations of the BLERF 0094 - Create the Treelands Drive Community Hib in Yamba, particularly relating to Option B and its alignment with grant guidelines and funding allocations.Some information withheld on the basis of 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
08/02/2024 Information regarding the on-sitesewage system design, installationand approval, inspections,complaints. Some information withheld on the basis of 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice. Some information was subject to copyright.
13/02/2024 Details of onsite waste water system at property in Halfway Creek. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
19/12/2023 Development information for Yamba Library and Community Centre Redevelopment and Grafton Aquatic Centre Master Plan. Some Information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
22/12/2023 Information regarding funding for Glenreagh Mountain Railway. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
15/12/2023 Information regarding burst water main in Through Street Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
15/11/2023 Copy of an email from Office of Local Government to the General Manager. No information withheld
09/11/2023 Information surrounding a pontoon in Taine Court Yamba. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3) Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
25/10/2023 Information surrounding an incident at Charlie Ryan Park Iluka. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
03/11/2023 Information between Council and Department of Regional NSW in relation to Treelands Drive Community Hub Precinct since 1 March 2023. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
14/09/2023 Names and postal addresses of landowners adjacent to 566 Middle Creek Rd, Kremnos. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
20/07/2023 Names and postal addresses of landowners of properties adjacent to Gibberagee State Forest. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
27/06/2023 Information on staffing details such as resignations and vacancies. Information not provided on the basis of s. 75 of GIPA, namely (2)…an access application does not require the agency (c) create new information, or produce a new record of information, s. 14 (1) responsible and effective government and s. 60 (1) (a) unreasonable and substantial diversion of the agency’s resources.
22/06/2023 Engineer's report taken in May 2022 monitoring a business in Yamba NSW. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (4) business interests of agencies and other persons
15/05/2023 Documentation related to a meeting of Council held in closed session in 2017 about the termination of a former general Manager in 2017. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (1) responsible and effective government and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
28/04/2023 Information and correspondence regarding BLER funding (Treelands Drive) and correspondence with Office of Local Government about recission motions. Some information withheld on the basis ofs. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
06/04/2023 All development applications (DAs) for caravan park at Woombah. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice andand (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
28/02/2023 Complaints made about an address in Wooloweyah. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
31/01/2023 Letter of award and contract issued by Council for RFT21/039 for Treelands Drive Yamba. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
04/01/2023 Owner's consent (i.e., Council's consent) for architect to lodge a Development Application (DA) for the Treelands Drive Community Centre Redevelopment. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
22/12/2022 Internal and external correspondence relating to Council's regulation of a business in Seelands. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
25/10/2022 Correspondence between Council and Architect re Hawthorne Park Masterplan, including plans. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
25/10/2022 Information re Road Reserve at Pitkins Road Nymboida.Information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
20/10/2022 DA information and other information re a property on Black Mountain Road Black Mountain Nymboida. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
17/10/2022 Information re removal of vegetation Cox Street Yamba.Information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
28/09/2022 Climate change impact assessment reports commissioned by Council. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
27/09/2022 Information about the maintenance of Armidale Road Elland and complaints about the condition of the road (potholes specifically) from February 2022 to August 2022. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
24/08/2022 Correspondence from Council to a property-owner on Summerland Way in July 2022. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
22/08/2022 Information about possible identity of stock (cows) straying onto Big River Way at or around Shark Creek. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
10/08/2022 Minutes of a meeting between Council planning staff and a developer re West Yamba and a report re flood residential floor levels in West Yamba. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (1) responsible and effective government and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
10/08/2022 Engineer's report taken in May 2022 monitoring a business in Yamba NSW. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 14 of GIPA, namely (1) responsible and effective government and (3) individual rights, judicial process and natural justice.
16/06/2022 Information about former agricultural industry activity on the property for SUB2021/0049. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and Schedule 1(5) of GIPA, namely legal privilege.
16/06/2022 Information about site dimensions of a DA approval in Woombah. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
30/05/2022 Correspondence between Council and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) re testing for radiation as part of SUB2015/0034 Iluka. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
30/05/2022 Informaton about culverts on Bennetts Road, Nymboida and legal status of road crossings and gates on same. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
28/04/2022 Information about a property in Serpentine Road Harwood. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
22/04/2022 Information about all complaints made about a particular residence in Wooloweyah. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
14/04/2022 Records of noise complaints for a property in Lawrence, 2460. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
7/04/2022 Records relating to a road accident at Tullymorgan Road, Ashby in October 2021. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and Schedule 1(5) of GIPA, namely legal privilege.
31/03/2022 All relevant records for stormwater for the subdivision, Pegus Drive and Young Street, Wooloweyah, including PCA (Principal Certifying Authority) documents for several properties. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
25/03/2022 All relevant Council records for a property on Clarence Way, Louisa Creek -- BAs, DAs, septic inspections etc. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and Schedule 1(5) of GIPA, namely legal privilege.
11/03/2022 Information about Diggers Headland Reserve, including wastewater management, primitive camping, DA application[s], Clarence Coast Reserve Trust. Some information withheld on the basis ofs.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
07/03/2022 Information about regulation of and complaints made to Council about private waste (rubbish) in Victoria Street, Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis ofs.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
04/03/2022 Information about a tree removed from the Council easement (nature strip). Some information withheld on the basis ofs.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
21/02/2022 Information relating to complaints about Council maintenance of, and alleged illegal activity by private parties altering Bostock Road and adjoining public land at Pillar Valley. Some information withheld on the basis ofs.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
08/02/2022 A Special Arborist Report (limited visual risk assessment) about trees in the vicinity of the North and South Grafton urban levee network.Information withheld on the basis ofs. 14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) Business interests of agencies and other persons.
02/02/2022 Information about complaints made to Council about a resident of Cowan Street, South Grafton, principally pertaining to companion animals. Some information withheld namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
17/01/2022 Information about discussions held between Council and Local Area Command (Police) about the vulnerability of a Council officer in relation to DA enquiries. Some information withheld on the basis ofs.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
07/01/2022 Information relating toDA SUB2017/005 on Palmers Island. Some informationwithheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
06/01/2022 Confidential attachments to Council's Extraordinary General Meeting (ECM) 3 December 2021. Information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (1) responsible and effective government and namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
23/12/2021 Information re insurance claim for damage to water tank in Coutts Crossing. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons and Schedule 1 of GIPA, namely legal professional privilege.
08/12/2021 Information re removal of bus stop sign in Fitzroy Street Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
25/11/2021 Information re DAs for 19 Gumnut Road, Yamba: DA2019/0439; CC2019/0377; DA2019/0498; CC2019/0526; DA2021/0153; CC2021/0502, and MOD2021/0016. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.
29/10/2021 Information re Council estimates of road construction costs contained in Council ITEM 6b.21.030 SUB2020/0039. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.

and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons.

21/10/2021 DA information forDA2014/0148 in Harwood Street, Yamba. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
21/10/2021 Information re details of a particular complaint about a companion animal and follow-up by Council officers. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
10/10/2021 Information re since 2010 how many residential areas have been built in the LGA have been built with approved wet areas and what constitutes certification thereof. Request by Council to refine application. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
06/10/2021 Information re insurance claims made and maintenance records for Orara Road, Glenreagh in the period 1 January 2021 to 9 July 2021. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely #3 'personal information' and under Schedule 1(5) of the GIPA Act (legal privilege).
01/10/2021 Information re a particular menacing dog. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
28/09/2021 Information re incident on pathway situated on Crown Land adjacent to Calypso Holiday Park, Yamba in December 2020. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
20/09/2021 Information about all complaints to Council re a particular address in South Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
02/09/2021 Yamba floor level survey details supplied to BMT on 2 August for flood modelling purposes. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (4) Business interests of agencies and other persons.
23/08/2021 Information re Council policies, training and procedures for the investigation of nuisance, menacing and dangerous dogs and records of such dogs for the past 18 months, including revocations. No information withheld.
10/08/2021 Name and address of stray dog that caused damage to a vehicle in an incident in Mahogany Drive, Gulmarrad in 2019. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
23/07/2021 Information re complaints, maintenance records, action requests, inspection reports and reasons for marking in pink the footpath either side of a property in Fitzroy Street, Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
02/07/2021 Correspondence between Council and Precision Helicopters re the the application ACT2021/2044 for helicopter at Ford Park, Yamba. Some Information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
22/06/2021 Information re complaints about dogs in Bligh Street, South Grafton. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
22/06/2021 Information re the process of naming the road reserve off Blackmountain Road, Nymboida for each of the proposed names of 'Pitkins Road' and 'River Reserve Road'. Some information withheld on the basis of s. 4 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
18/05/2021 Information re Sullivans Road, including reports of road condition, surveying records, culvert/swale waterway control, folding information, request history, development applications. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
09/04/2021 Business Development Strategy and Master Plan for the redevelopment of the Brooms Head Holiday Park. Some information withheld (with consultation) on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely )4) Business interests of agencies and other persons.
24/03/2021 Information about sand quarries, Boundary Road, Gulmarrad. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justiceand (4) business interests of agencies and other persons and Schedule 1 of GIPA legal professional privilege.
22/03/2021 All reports and assessments including council responses regarding bushfire protection for DA SUB 2009/0015. Some information withheld namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
16/03/2021 Records of all CVC expenditure on pesticides for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years including pesticide name, date, quantity (litres or kg) and cost. No information withheld.
15/03/2021 Information re dog; O’Connell St, Glenreagh. Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
29/01/2021 Information re licensing of pontoon Taine Court, Yamba. Some Information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice and (4) business interests of agencies and other persons and Schedule 1 legal professional privilege.
12/01/2021 Copy of CCTV footage, Council’s Maclean Office, 24 September 2020, 1.45pm ff. No information withheld.
24/12/2020 Copy of CCTV footage of depot held by Council. No information withheld.
24/12/2020 Information on regulation of dividing fence, Witonga Drive, Yamba.Some information withheld on the basis of s.14 of GIPA, namely (3)Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice.
30/07/2020 Investigation report for CRM2012/0130.
29/07/2020 Copy of Tree Preservation Order TRE2019/0013.
24/07/2020 Radiation Survey reports for Hickey Street, Iluka development.
07/08/2019 Any and all documents and communication (both internal and external) pertaining to Lot 2 DP 1007024.
03/05/2019 Information relating to a bridge (floodplain asset) on Cassons Creek Road, Lavadia. The bridge gives access over Cassons Creek (also known as Deep Creek) to land Lot 4 DP 1010385. Details of all inspections of this bridge carried out in the last 25 years, when they were carried out and what repairs were deemed necessary pursuant to those inspections and any cost assessments made at those inspections.
03/05/2019 Request copy of DA approvals and EPA/consultants contamination report for Lot 3 DP 586649, Charles St, South Grafton (old service station).
03/05/2019 View all file information, applications etc for Lots off Micalo Road, Micalo Island, Yamba.The specific lots requested information on are Lot 260 DP 751388 & Lot 368 DP 751388.
31/01/2019 Information on powder magazine built in 1897 in Angourie.
29/01/2019 MOD2017/0044
29/01/2019 1.Council's file relating to DA: SUB2018/0004 for a proposed 12 lot residential subdivision at Lot 39DP1218555, including the development application, all supporting documents and reports, any Council assessment reports, public submissions, and correspondence between Council and the Applicant.
2. Council's property file for Lot 38 DP1218555, formerly Lot 34 DP1103215.
3. All documents referring to flooding/flood studies/flood assessments of the land surrounding Bloodwood Grove and between Mclntyres Lane and Clyde Essex Drive, including the land identified in DP1218555, DP1187959, DP1088617, DP1120595, DP787224, DP1103215, DP1152912, DP1060611, DP1129662 and DP1076464.
4. Council's file relating to DA: SUB2009/0010.
13/12/2018 79 Through Street South Grafton - all information relating to DA's/BA's and associated council reports since 1945.
13/12/2018 Records of all CVC expenditure on pesticides for the 2017/18 financial year including pesticide name, date, quantity (litres or kg) and cost.
11/10/2018 Seeking copies of all approved DA for property big River Holiday Park and Ski Lodge 166 Ski Lodge Rd Seelands being:
- DA 13/77 in 177
- DA 35/00 in 2000 and
- DA approved 2005
Every document lodged with DA.
9/10/2018 MOD2017.0074 information.
20/09/2018 Information on crown access road though property at (Lot 6) Blackbutt Road with regard to adjacent Lot 5 and Lot 7 access.
18/07/2018 The Entire Clarence Valley Council File including any Development Applications, Development Consent/Approvals, Occupation Certificate, Dwelling Plans (including Floor Plans), Shed Plans, Additions Plans, Construction Certificate, Notices and Correspondence issued to the Proprietors, all receipts for payment of rates and any and all other documents in relation to the above property (Lot 11DP 870751) to 1969.
18/07/2018 Complete copy of Council File for property Lot 11DP 870751 to 1997.