s355 Committees

Section 355 committees operate under the banner of Council to provide assistance in carrying out some of our functions. 

 We have a number of committees that oversee the management of community facilities including parks and reserves, community centres and floodgates.

Calliope Community Reserve Hall Management Committee



Constitution(PDF, 170KB)



Clarence and Lower Clarence Sports Committees

The purpose of the Clarence Valley Sports Committee is to make recommendations to Council on the management and maintenance of satisfactory sporting fields and facilities within the Clarence Valley, liaise with sporting groups, provide and encourage sporting activities and award recipients of the annual sport grant program limited to the amount budgeted in each financial year by the Council.

Community Strategic Plan Link

Delivery Program Link

Society: Create a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life.

OBJECTIVE 3: To be a safe and active community where healthy lifestyles and better health outcomes are encouraged and supported with accessible infrastructure for residents of all ages and abilities

OBJECTIVE 5: To be an inclusive community where diversity is respected and Clarence Valley residents, regardless of age or ability, have equal access to quality services, events and opportunities

Infrastructure: Maintain our diverse infrastructure base to serve the needs of the Clarence.

OBJECTIVE 6: To have well maintained facilities and amenities that serve the needs of a growing residential population and visitors to the area

Meeting schedule

Meetings are held biannually in the Grafton and Maclean Council chambers.

To be advised




2024/2025  Sports Committee Funding Round 1

2025 Meetings

Coaldale/Barretts Creek Community Centre Committee

Dundurrabin Community Centre Management Committee


Following the November Council Meeting (item 5 of resolution 2024.410), Council is now seeking expression of interest from the Dundurrabin Community to establish a Dundurrabin Community Hall Committee. 

Click here to fill out the form and express your interest.



 Item 07.24.008 Committees Report(PDF, 43KB)

Notification_Dundurrabin Community Centre(PDF, 149KB)





Ewingar Hall Committee

Iluka War Memorial Hall

Ilarwill Hall Management Committee

Jackagdery Hall Management Committee

Nymboida Hall Committee



Constitution(PDF, 112KB)













Nominate to join an Advisory or s355 Committee

Would you like to contribute to the future of Clarence Valley?

Council is calling for nominations to join several committees that will operate for the term of Council.

Selection criteria

Candidates need to demonstrate:

  • Experience and expertise in a given area.
  • An understanding of the role of local government.
  • A commitment to consultative process.
  • An ability to develop and sustain contacts with key individuals and groups in the local community.
  • The ability to effectively listen to and cooperate with community members holding similar or different points of view.


Advisory Committees

Clarence Coast & Estuary Management Committee

To advise Council with achieving integrated, balanced, responsible and ecologically sustainable development of Clarence Valley coasts and estuaries. Advise Council in developing and implementation management plans.

Clarence Sports Committee

Advise Council on sporting interests in the CV (ex Lower Clarence area) manage and maintain satisfactory sporting fields and facilities within the CV, liaise with sporting groups, promote and encourage sporting activities and make recommendations on annual sporting grant funding program.

Lower Clarence Sports Committee

Advise Council on sporting interests in the Lower Clarence area manage and maintain satisfactory sporting fields and facilities within the CV, liaise with sporting groups, promote and encourage sporting activities and make recommendations on annual sporting grant funding program.

Clarence Valley Aboriginal Advisory Committee * The Council resolved to defer the establishment of the CVAAC pending discussions with local Aboriginal communities and organisations. *

Advise Council on issues that impact Aboriginal Communities within the CVC and any issues of mutual interest between Aboriginal communities and Council.

Clarence Valley Access Committee

To provide advice and guidance in the application of planning that priorities access, social inclusion and overcoming discriminatory impediments to promote a highly accessible, inclusive and welcoming community that respects independence and human dignity.

Clarence Valley Climate Change Advisory Committee

Advise and make recommendations to Council on specific initiatives that Council and/or the community may undertake in response to climate change, and educational and other strategies that Council may implement to encourage the Clarence Valley community in its response to climate change.

Clarence Valley Community and Cultural Committee

Advise Council on the development of strategies and identification of challenges and opportunities, in relation to cultural planning and heritage, arts and cultural opportunities, sporting and recreational opportunities, community pride and local identity including local history, and community involvement which encourages a sense of belonging within the LGA.

Grafton Saleyards Advisory Committee

Advise Council in relation to aspects of the management and operation of the Saleyards

Floodplain Risk Management Committee

Advise on planning matters relating to flood management.


355 Committees

Calliope Community Reserve and Hall Management Committee

Coaldale/Barretts Creek Community Centre Committee

Dundurrabin Community Centre Management Committee

Ewingar Community Hall Management Committee

Iluka War Memorial Hall

Illarwill Hall Management Committee

Jackadgery Hall Management Committee

Nymboida Hall Management

Southgate Community Centre Management Committee

Tucabia Community Hall Management Committee

Tullymorgan Reserve Management Committee

Wooloweyah Parks and Reserves Management Committee



Nominate now