Disclosures of political donations

Development-related disclosures

Anyone who lodges or comments on a Development Application or planning proposal must publicly disclose any associated donations or gifts. This includes development-related matters including EPIs, DCPs, concept plans and applications for declaration as State Significant Development, as well as Part 3A projects and modifications.

A disclosure must be made by any person who has a financial interest in a planning application and who has made a reportable political donation in the 2 years before the application is made or determined.


If a person fails to disclose a reportable political donation or gift - and if it's reasonable for that person to have known that such a disclosure should have been made, the maximum penalty is $22,000 or 12 months imprisonment, or both.

Disclose a political donation or gift 

Register of Voting on Planning Matters

The Local Government Act requires Council to maintain a register that records which Councillors vote for and which Councillors vote against each planning decision of the Council.

Planning matters are matters that relate to a development application, an environmental planning instrument, a development control plan or a development contribution plan.

A planning decision is a resolution of the Council or a committee of Council that determines a matter, ie approves or refuses a development application or adopts or refuses to adopt a planning instrument or amendment to a planning instrument.

Register(PDF, 470KB) 

Planning-Voting-Register-as-at-22-August-2023.pdf(PDF, 368KB)


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