Integrated Planning and Reporting

Our planning framework

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework guides the way local government plans, documents and reports its future strategies.

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The Clarence 2032

The Community Strategic plan is the overarching document for all plans and policies of the Council. It identifies the community’s aspirations and priorities for the future of the local government area.

Community Strategic Plan 2032

Delivery Program 2022 - 2025

Under the NSW Local Government Act, councils are required to develop a Delivery Program that meets the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan by 30 June following the election. This Delivery Program was developed to meet the objectives of ‘The Clarence 2032’ Community Strategic Plan and was made effective from June 2022.

The Delivery Program gives rise to ‘The Clarence 2032’ and is delivered through the action of the annual Operational Plan.

Delivery Program

Operational Plan 2024 - 2025

Supporting the Delivery Program is an annual Operational Plan prepared by the General Manager and staff. The Operational Plan defines quite specifically how the commitments of the Delivery Program will be achieved by detailing what the organisation will deliver where, how delivery will be resourced, at what cost and who is accountable for action as well as how performance is measured.

Operational Plan

Resourcing strategy 2024 - 2025

The Clarence 2032 provides a vehicle for expressing long-term community aspirations. However, these will not be achieved without sufficient resources – time, money, assets and people – to achieve them. The Resourcing Strategy demonstrates how the Council’s resources will be used to achieve The Clarence 2032.

Resourcing strategy

Fees and charges 2024 - 2025

Our current fees and charges:

Fees and charges