Open Space Strategies and Plans of Management
Council is responsible for the management of more than 10,000 ha of open space, helping residents and visitors fulfil their recreation and relaxation needs.
This includes open space such as beaches, bushland, parks, playgrounds, and playing fields for sport. It also includes the publicly accessible areas of road reserves developed as rest areas or for public use in general.
Council uses three levels of documentation to provide the structure for the management and use of open space within the Clarence Valley – Strategies, Plans of Management and Site Management Plans. In a broad sense, strategies set out the philosophy and framework for open space/recreation initiatives (or policy) while plans of management set out the manner in which specific objectives are to be achieved on the ground (statutory requirements) while site management plans set out operational focus of particular parks and reserves included under a generic plan of management.
Within the Clarence Valley, Council is responsible for the administration and management of two different classifications of parks and reserves:
- Community land; and
- Operational land.
Community land consists of Council-owned land and Crown land managed by Council as the Crown Land Manager of a Crown reserve.
The management and use of community land is governed by the Local Government Act 1993.
Apart from being a statutory requirement, a Park / Reserve Plan of Management seeks to identify the issues affecting the park/reserve, and how that park/reserve is intended to be used, improved, maintained and managed in the future.
In general, Park and Reserve Plans of Management are prepared for a specified timeframe (usually 5 – 10 years) with provision for continuous review to adapt to changing circumstances.
Operational land is land owned by Council which is not open or available for use by the general public, such as a works depot or a facility such as a transfer station or sewage treatment facility. However, some operational land such as drainage reserves may also provide opportunities for sport and recreation in tandem with their operational purpose.
Open Space/Recreation Strategies and Plans of Management for Council parks and reserves available for viewing or download can be accessed through the links below.
Open Space/Recreation Strategies
Park/Reserve Plans of Management
Generic PoM
Community Land, Crown Reserves and other Public Places Plan of Management(PDF, 9MB)
Site Specific PoM
Ferry Park Reserve, Maclean(PDF, 2MB)
Fisher Park, Grafton(PDF, 380KB)
Flinders Park, Yamba(PDF, 5MB)
Grafton Waterfront Precinct, Grafton(PDF, 14MB)
Kolora Lake Reserve, Yamba(PDF, 206KB)
Market Square, Grafton(PDF, 486KB)
McKitrrick Park, South Grafton (PDF, 709KB)
Small Park (PoM)(PDF, 3MB) (Camping Management Strategy)(PDF, 538KB)
Theo Tulk Reserve, Goodwood Island(PDF, 2MB)
Treelands Drive Reserve, Yamba(PDF, 3MB)
Trenayr Park and Martin Crescent Reserve, Trenayr(PDF, 4MB)
Wattle Park, Yamba(PDF, 926KB)
Site Management Plans
General Douglas McArthur Park(PDF, 1MB)
Westward Park(PDF, 2MB)