After a disaster

Recovery from floods, bushfires and other disasters can be a long and sometimes overwhelming process. There may additional services activated following the impacts of natural hazards that can assist you with relief and recovery.

Recovery centres

Recovery Centres provide support to disaster-affected communities by bringing together both government and non-government services in one location to help restore emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing.

Recovery Centres are not established following every emergency. The Recovery Committee in consultation with the Local Emergency Operations Controller (LEOCON), local council and NSW Reconstruction Authority, will assess the need for a Recovery Centre and make recommendations regarding its establishment to the State Emergency Recovery Controller (SERCON).

Recovery Centre Locations


Recovery Support Services

TC Alfred Recovery

Have you been impacted by TC Alfred? Support is available, including disaster relief grants.

Find more information here

Recovery activities

Service NSW 

Service NSW provides a range of resources to assist individuals & businesses impacted by disasters and emergencies. These include information on financial help, insurance advice, programs to support staff members (for businesses) and more.

Service NSW also provides assistance in replacing personal documents such as identification, licences, certificates, permits, registrations or documents that might be lost or damaged during a disaster or emergency.

Visit a Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88.

Disaster assistance finder

Agriculture and Animal Services Hotline

Providing assistance to landholders and communities with animal welfare-related issues resulting from the floods. Landholders can request emergency fodder for livestock, animal assessment, veterinary advice and if required, euthanasia and burial.

To request assistance, call the Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647

Local Land Services (LLS)

Local Land Services helps landholders to plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from biosecurity emergencies and natural disasters. 

Natural Disasters & Biosecurity Emergencies 

Looking to help your community?


Donate your time as a volunteer to help support your community. During recovery, you may be able to help with building or maintenance tasks, referring people to services and information, visiting people or offering social support. 

Register with Emergency Support Volunteering and your details will be passed on to organisations needing assistance.


Engaging in fundraising during disaster recovery not only provides crucial financial assistance, but also fosters a sense of solidarity, community support, and resilience, contributing to the overall rebuilding process.

It is important that you read the NSW Government advice on fundraising during a disaster to ensure it is effective.


To best support communities impacted by natural disasters, it's important to approach donations thoughtfully. Unrequested donations to affected regions may impede ongoing recovery and reconstruction efforts.

Consider donating goods or financial assistance through the not-for-profit organisation GIVIT.

Other organisations such as Salvation ArmyAnglicare North Coast Appeal, LifelineRotaryFood Bank NSWFoundation for Rural Regional Renewal, GIVIT and Australian Lions Foundation also accept financial donations.

Waste services

Has your residential bin been damaged, destroyed, swept away or lost by a natural disaster?

Call JR Richards on 1800 33 55 99 to request a replacement bin. 

Note fees may apply for some bin requests.


In the event that waste services are disrupted due to floods, fires etc Council will communicate waste service disruptions via social media and other Council platforms. 

More information on Waste and Recycling

Council recovery projects

Disasters resulting from natural hazards impact communities in a variety of ways. Clarence Valley Council supports community recovery in many ways including but not limited to the restoration of essential public assets including roads, bridges and waste services, obtaining grants to restore & improve community assets impacted by disaster & supporting out-of-area volunteer groups, such as BlazeAid, establish basecamps to coordinate fence replacement & rebuilding activities.

Other projects and programs supporting community recovery after disaster can be seen below:

Resilient Clarence

The stories of the 2019 -2020 bushfires have been collated into a digital map of the region as the final component of the Resilient Clarence project.

Resilient Clarence

Nymboida BlazeAid

BlazeAid returned to Nymboida following the Glenns Creek Road fire in October 2023.

Clarence Magazine stories in