Electric Vehicles
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have far lower life cycle GHG emissions compared to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) particularly when powered by renewable energy. As such, a transition to a BEVs will help Australia to meet our global emissions commitments, as transport is our second highest source of emissions.
EVs are also significantly cheaper to run, including fuel savings of up to 70% and maintenance savings of around 40% according to Transport NSW.
As such when comparing the total cost of ownership, owning an EV maybe cheaper than you think.
Why not check out the compare the total cost of ownership tool by Transport NSW.
Environmental benefits
The below shows a graphical comparative life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of a mid-size BEV and ICE vehicle taken from an International Energy Agency report used in the Australian National Electric Vehicle Strategy.
Take our survey
Clarence Valley Council is seeking your input to guide our approach to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure via a survey and an interactive map that allows you to suggest locations where EV chargers would be useful for the community.
One lucky participant will win a $20 EV charge voucher or fuel voucher!
The number of EVs on our roads is rapidly increasing as more affordable models enter the market and the Federal and State Government provide incentives to lower the cost. The growing demand for these cleaner, more efficient vehicles has led to greater demands for publicly available EV charging infrastructure.
To get involved, take the survey and use the interactive map
More information
For more detailed information about the environmental benefits and electric vehicles in general check out these great sites.