Rainwater tank rebate


Rainwater tank rebates of up to $600 are available to Clarence Valley Council water customers who install a new rainwater tank connected to the home/toilet/laundry. New tanks for outdoor/garden use not connected to the home, are also eligible for a rebate. Additional rebates of $300 are also available for connecting an existing rainwater tank (conditions apply).

Tank capacity (litres)

Tank only rebate

Total plumbed tank rebate

For existing tank 3000+











All tanks

  • Only available to town water customers, one rebate per connection.
  • Minimum capacity of 3000 litres.
  • Must be a new tank with at least 12 months warranty.
  • Tank water use must comply with the CVC water restriction policy
  • Only for the collection and storage of rainwater for use on site.
  • Must comply with all relevant council requirements plumbing, building codes, and be fitted with a first flush device.

Connected tanks

  • Must be connected at least to a toilet or laundry.
  • Must be connected by a licensed plumber.

Application requirements

  • Receipt of tank purchase
  • Receipt for plumbing services detailing work completed.
  • Photographs to verify installation (or inspection by council officer). 

Extra notes

  • Generally not available if existing tanks are plumbed into the house or where a previous council rainwater tank rebate has been granted.
  • Where no previous rebate has been granted, special application to increase the size of existing tanks may be made and assessed on its merits. 
  • New homeowners with a BASIX requirement to fit a rainwater tank, may be eligible for a rebate for water tank storage exceeding BASIX requirements.

For information on choosing, installing and maintaining a rainwater tank click here.


Apply for rainwater tank rebate