COUNCIL BRIEFS: Outcomes From Monthly Meeting Held 20 February

Published on 21 February 2025


Clarence Valley Council held its monthly Ordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 20 February 2025 at the Grafton Council Chambers. One Mayoral Minute was considered, followed by 15 of 30 items debated and the other 15 adopted by consent in a meeting which lasted four hours.

Advisory Committee Framework

Councillors voted to adopt four Advisory Committees and nominate a councillor to chair each committee at Thursday’s February Ordinary Council Meeting.

Councillor Cristie Yager was nominated to chair the Community and Liveability Advisory Committee with Councillors Debrah Novak and Lynne Cairns nominated as additional councillors in the committee. The Community and Liveability Advisory Committee will focus on a community that is safe, connected and inclusive. The committee will provide advice inline with Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, Reconciliation Action Plan, Crime Prevention Strategy, Local Strategic Planning Statement, Local Growth Management Strategies, Cultural Plan and Open Spaces and Recreation Management Strategy.

Councillor Allison Whaites has been appointed the chair of the Accessibility and Connectivity Advisory Committee with Councillor Shane Causley and Karen Toms nominated as members of the committee. The committee will work alongside several Strategies including Council’s Active Transport Strategy, Facilities Management Plan, Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan, Open Spaces Strategy, Sport and Recreation Strategy and Community Hall Strategy.

Councillor Karen Toms will chair the Advisory Economic Development Committee and Councillor Ray Smith will be the secondary councillor member. This committee focusing on a diverse economy that complements the environmental and social values of the Clarence Valley. This committee will provide advice in line with the Clarence Valley Regional Economic Development Strategy, Destination Management Plan, Local Growth Management Strategies, Delivery Program Strategies, Grafton Waterfront Precinct Plan, Community Economic Development/Precinct Plans and Grafton CBD Plans.

Finally, Councillor Debrah Novak will chair the Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee, focussing on the natural environment that is protected from local and global pressures. The committee will work in line with Council’s Environmental Management Strategy, Biodiversity Strategy, Bush Regenerative Strategy, Coastal Management programs, Urban Tree Management Strategy, Solid Waste Management Strategy, Koala Plan of Management and Renewable Energy and Emissions Reduction Strategy.

Councillor Allison Whaites and Lynne Cairns will be the other Councillor representatives for the committee.

Nominations for all four Advisory Committees will be advertised on Council’s website:

Councillors nominated for Sports Tourism Sponsorship Program and Water Efficiency Working Group

Councillor Debrah Novak has been nominated for the Sports Tourism Sponsorship Program and Councillor Greg Clancy was nominated to the Water Efficiency Working Group during the Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Sports Tourism Program aims to enhance the economy of the Clarence Valley by attracting participatory sporting events that align with the region's tourism strategies outlined in the Destination Management Plan 2024-2030. Sports tourism, a niche market focused on travel for sports-related activities, offers significant economic benefits, particularly through increased tourism and spending. This program specifically targets the participatory sports tourism segment, which is the largest and most sustainable, as it involves events that attract many competitors rather than just spectators.

The Water Efficiency Working Group is a working group that has performed a statutory consultative role as part of the Shannon Creek Dam licence conditions, the RWSS and the CVC/Coffs’ Water Efficiency Strategic Plan. The committee helped ensure a united approach to water demand management between the two LGAs and communities. Over the last 2 years, the committee moved to meet biannually. These meetings have included reciprocal hosting and site visits to water assets and have been valued by all involved. These meetings have helped foster both inter-council and council-community relations.

Cultural and Sports Trust Fund

Five talented individuals from Clarence Valley have each been awarded $550 from the Cultural and Sports Trust Fund to represent Australia on the international stage.

Shanae Crispin has been selected for the Aussie Joey’s U16 Hockey Development Europe Tour, taking place from 9 - 24 April 2025.

Meanwhile, Oscar Woods, Casey Palmer, and Toby Smidt will travel to Europe as part of the NSW Regional Youth Orchestra 2025 Tour. They will participate in the prestigious Summa Cum Laude Youth Orchestra Festival and perform in Salzburg and Berlin from 29 June to 14 July 2025.

This funding round saw a strong focus on cultural activities, with Lara Forwell also receiving $550 to compete in the World Highland Dancing Championships in Dunoon, Scotland, from 28 – 30 August 2025.

Councillor Debrah Novak called the item to support the officers recommendation.

“I am channelling former councillor Steve Pickering, he used to always love calling these.

“I just really wanted to highlight the extraordinary opportunity our young people are going to have to go overseas to showcase their particular talents whether that be sport or culture.

“It's very pleasing that we can support them in our own very small way.

“Congratulations to Shanae Crispin, Oscar Woods, Casey Palmer, Toby Smidt and Lara Forwell for participating in your passion projects and good luck with it all.”

Yamba Community Precinct Project Update

Councillor Debrah Novak called the Yamba Community Precinct project update item to let residents know about a walk through that the Councillors took part of.

“We had a great walk through here not so long ago it looked absolutely brilliant. Very very exciting. A piece of brand new infrastructure for Yamba.

“It’s a great asset to be alongside the TAFE digital learning centre. I look forward to the opening in the middle of the year.

“I’m really happy our young people will be able to be welcomed and use the facility as a new home to be at.”

As of January, several key milestones have been achieved, bringing us closer to completion with the project running on-track to be delivered on time to be completed by May 2025.

Painting works are well advanced throughout the building, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and finalising interior finishes. The installation of joinery is progressing steadily, with the northern half of the building already completed. Work has commenced on installing operable walls to effectively divide meeting rooms, ensuring flexible and functional spaces. All tiling works have been completed, alongside the successful installation of hydraulic systems in bathrooms, ensuring fully operational facilities.

All aluminium doors, windows, and louvres have been installed, securing the building and providing the necessary ventilation and natural light. The completion of inground hydraulic service works marks a crucial step in ensuring a robust plumbing and drainage system. All necessary electrical upgrades have been successfully carried out, providing enhanced power capacity and reliability.

Landscaping works have commenced, contributing to the visual appeal and environmental sustainability of the project. The carpark pavement has been completed, along with the necessary electrical installations, ensuring accessibility and functionality for future users.

With these key activities completed, the focus now shifts to finalizing remaining interior works, landscaping, and other finishing touches. The project remains on track for timely completion, and further updates will be provided as progress continues.

Have your say on Clarence Regional Aquatic Centres programs and seasonal fees and charges

New fees and charges for the Clarence Regional Aquatic Centre will be placed on public exhibition after councillors voted to endorse the officers recommendation at the February Ordinary Council Meeting.

The following fees have been benchmarked against comparable aquatic centres.

Class Type



Water Confidence

8 weeks


Learn to Swim

8 weeks


Stroke Development

8 weeks


Mini Squad

8 weeks


Senior Squads x 1 session/week

10 weeks


Senior Squads x 2 or more sessions/week

10 weeks


Elite Squad x3 or more sessions/week

10 weeks



per 1 hour class


Aqua-aerobics Multi Pass

10 x 1 hour class


To maintain consistency with Council’s existing fees and charges, non-swimming adults accompanying children that attend paid programs and support carers accompanying clients that attend paid programs will remain free.

The proposed fees and charges will be on Council’s website for a period of 28 days to allow residents and groups time to make a submission:

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