General Manager's Performance Review

Published on 20 February 2025


At its Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 February, Council resolved to grant a 2.5% increase in the General Manager's total remuneration package.

This decision was based on the outcome of a positive performance review conducted by a panel consisting of Mayor Ray Smith, Deputy Mayor Greg Clancy and Councillors Debrah Novak and Cristie Yager with an independent person from Local Government Solutions.

Clarence Valley Council Mayor Ray Smith say there was consensus from the panel that based on the measurement of the General Manager's performance, against the pre-determined KPI's, that an increase in the remuneration package was warranted.

“The General Manager of Clarence Valley Council is responsible for well over 500 staff, control of a budget reaching $200M and responsibility for the maintenance and enhancement of community assets valued at over $2.4B.

“Many of the decisions of the General Manager and advice to councillors is based on legislation and existing council policy. These are decisions and advice that would come from whoever the General Manager is on the day, they are not Laura Black's decisions, and it is a shame how a handful of people have personalised this fact and have aimed their criticism at the person rather than the position.”

There is also a need to maintain parity within the local government sector with general managers remuneration packages. When it comes time to replace the current General Manager, Council will need to be offering a package that will attract suitably qualified and experienced candidates.

“My support of the council decision to increase the general manager's remuneration package is based on these factors,” Mayor Smith said.

Ray Smith PSM


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