Work starts on program to create safer school zones

Published on 31 August 2021

School Crossing Clarence Valley Anglican School Grafton.jpg

Nineteen schools across the Clarence Valley are set to benefit under the School Zone Infrastructure Program.

The program, which will be completed in three stages from now until the end of June 2022, aims to provide pedestrian improvements around schools, support jobs and stimulate local economies.

Work on the first stage started yesterday (Monday 30 August), and will see the construction of pedestrian facilities, new pathways connecting schools and improved signage at Cowper, Harwood, Iluka, Lawrence, Maclean, Westlawn and Yamba schools.

Clarence Valley Council General Manager Ashley Lindsay says the School Zone Infrastructure Program is about delivering essential infrastructure improvements while also supporting local trades.

“The program will look at ways to improve infrastructure around the school zones and will include the installation of pedestrian islands, pathways, signage, and traffic calming devices to make school zones safer for students and road users,” Mr Lindsay says.

“The program is designed to stimulate the local economy through the use of local contractors who will be employed to complete the works.”

The School Zone Infrastructure Program has been funded by State and Federal Government Road Safety Program, School Zone Infrastructure Sub Program.

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