Proposed Road Reserve Grazing Lease

On display until 08 July 2024, 04:00 PM

Council are seeking community feedback on a proposed road reserve grazing lease in Prescott Street, Copmanhurst (adjoining Lot 1 DP735519).

Any person is entitled to make a submission by clicking on the “make a submission” button below.

Submissions can also be made in writing to the General Manager, Clarence Valley Council, Locked Bag 23, Grafton, NSW 2460 clearly marked “Proposed Road Reserve Grazing Lease – Ref Prescott Street, Copmanhurst"

For further information please contact Tyler Marsh on 02 6640 3527.

Please note that under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, such submissions may be referred to third parties for consideration.


Submissions close 4pm, Monday 8 July 2024.

Make a submission

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