Alice Street Levee Rehabilitation
- Project typeFloodplain
- Completion Date27 June 2024
What's happening?
The Alice Street levee project was identified by the Clarence Valley Council Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee as its highest priority capital project, and a detailed design was progressed so the project would be “shovel ready”.
The works include targeted rock protection to the toe of the riverbank between Alice Street and Queen Street, a small section of the North Grafton levee system, the replacement of some failed retaining walls, and ancillary works along the length of the levee.
Rehabilitating the Alice Street levee will reduce flood damages to existing infrastructure such as public roads and essential services such as telecommunication and power supply.
The risk of levee failure at this location has been identified by Public Works as unacceptable and would need to be addressed as a priority.
It will reduce flood damage to 4,500 properties and the risk to life of 10,000 people living in North Grafton. This will ensure community resilience to flooding to continue.